Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sam Harris: King of Unfounded Conclusions

After searching through the blogs tonight looking for someone who had read or written on the Sam Harris article, I was thrilled to see that Sarah had found the article as preposterous and offensive as I did. While I did not address this in my own post on the Harris article, I certainly felt some of the same shock and distress Sarah portrays in her post about Harris' views on the Islamic religion.

I agree with Sarah, it is possible to prove anything that has any grain of truth to it if you take a view general facts and make a bunch of unsupported claims. I did not find any sort of usefulness in many of the examples that Harris threw into his argument. It was as if he took a bunch of random facts that had something to do with violence in the Islam religion and said "here, read this and believe that I am right".

Thank you Sarah, for recognizing that Harris completely ignores the parallel between Islam and Christianity and their subsequent advancements which you dub the terrible twos. This I did touch on in my blog post and would like to argue further for it makes me just as annoyed and disappointed as it seems to have made you.

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